March 22, 2007

Darwin and Vending Machines

Today I saw a warning label on a vending machine that asked customers not to rock or tip the apparatus. The label stated that the machine could crush and/or kill anybody who attempted to tip it. Furthermore, the warning stated that there was an anti-theft device installed, so customers couldn’t get free drinks even if they dared to rock the appliance.

It’s interesting that the risk of death is, by itself, apparently insufficient to deter potential vending machine thieves. The machine has to warn people that even if they risk death, they still won’t get free drinks, due to the anti-theft device. Granted, the probability of getting killed by a vending machine is probably extremely low, but why take even a small chance for a product worth $1.25?

I wonder what Darwin would say.



At 22 March, 2007 23:37, Blogger Laura Rose said...

Darwin would say "This is what humankind has come to? Fuck this!" and jump off the boat to Galapagos.

At 22 March, 2007 23:54, Blogger Nathan said...

Well, if nothing else, we can look forward to a future where heritable personality traits inclining people to attempt to steal from vending machines are slowly but inexorably eliminated from the human population.

At 23 March, 2007 12:45, Blogger Nathan said...

Also, this post is a perfect example of why democracy just doesn't work.

At 04 May, 2007 18:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although it is not so unlikely for people to take such a risk. We all intellectually understand the dangers of driving a car. There are a myriad of things that can get us killed on the open road. I can't count how many time I have driven my car to simply go buy a soda (or something else just as inane). So I actually risked death to spend my money. I guess I would definitely take the risk for something free.

I gotta go find a vending machine.


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